Dad took the girls to King's Island today...he's a brave soul. Apparently they did a great job, although Mari was a little bummed out because she's still JUST an inch too short to ride a few of the rides. We were sorry that we couldn't make it, but uninterrupted preparation time is something we can't pass up. So, in the course of the day, we managed to clean out and vaccuum both cars, rearrange all the carseats and booster seats for the coming of the twins, finally get all the junk cleaned out of the living room, and still have time for what may be our final dinner out for a long long time with just the 2 of us. Went to the new Mediterranean place at ATC (I think it's actually Turkish), and had some really good stuff. Ordered an appetizer of borek - read about the one from Turkey - but imagine it rolled up like a taquito instead. Oh my yum. And then Steph ordered the best thing I've had since carne adovada in Santa Fe last summer. It was called Iskender Kebab and it was absolutely heavenly. I only got to eat one bite of hers and I can still taste it. Wow wow wow!
ANYWAY...we highly recommend this dish. Put it on the list of things I want to learn to cook, along with Saag Paneer.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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