We started out the day with a success -- it was Matt's idea to tell Faith & Mari that they couldn't get out of "bed" until Daddy got up and opened the curtains. It worked and the girls didn't get up until after 7am -- pretty good for us. The babies didn't have the best night ever. They had been going 5-6 hours at night at home for the past week or week and a half which has been glorious. However, last night here in the hotel room, they went more like 3 to 3 1/2 hours at a stretch. Oh well. The good news was that the girls didn't wake up for it. Robby had the hardest time and finally at about 5am, I had Matt put Robby in bed with us, which is usually a HUGE no-no for us, but I just couldn't do it.
Anyway, everyone ate and got dressed and we managed to get out the door at a decent time. We made our way WAY out in the country to Joe Huber's Family Farm. It was a good 15 miles or so from the highway in to a BEAUTIFUL countryside. It's a humongous farm with goats (I think they're the little pygmy kind) and some sheep and tons of ducks and some donkeys and ponys and a few chickens. They had pony rides (Faith rode 3 times!) and a tractor pulling some wagons that we rode on and a "cow train" for the kids. They also had apple shooting out over the pond and you could go catfishing in the pond, too. A very beautiful and well-run place. Also pretty busy. They definitely do well for themselves. The girls just loved it and I admit, I was sad to go and know that there wasn't a great chance that we'd ever be able to go back!
There is also a wonderful restaurant on the premises with amazing home cooking. You get a huge basket of fried biscuits with homemade strawberry jelly and apple butter. We ordered great fried green tomatoes for an appetizer. I am not a fried chicken girl, but I ordered the 1/4 fried chicken plate with corn on the cob and a baked sweet potato. Again, not a corn on the cob girl but it was so so good that it tasted like candy to me! The chicken was awesome, too! Really good! Matt had fried chicken and I can't remember what else, but he loved it. We also got some dessert -- I had a mini hot fudge sundae. Mmmmmmm. OH and by the way, Robby and Hannah slept in their stroller most of the time which made things easy!
We headed back to the hotel and the girls fell asleep (and I did for a few minutes, too) luckily. All that activity and strong sun made us pretty tired! We just chilled out in the hotel room for a while. Mari went #2 on the potty which is big for us. Yes, I'm blogging about that -- that's our family!!!
We just had dinner here in the hotel room and then went out to a park along the Ohio River. After the girls had had enough, we walked a very short distance down the road to the Widow's Walk Ice Creamery. Very good ice cream and sundaes! Matt tried his darndest after that to get a good pic of us in front of the river with downtown Louisville in the background, but Mari would not cooperate for the life of her. She is THE poster child for the terrible two's sometimes!!!
Got back to the room and bathed the babies and tried to get the girls to settle down. It was a lot more smooth than last night, though!!!
Really, that's about it. The girls had their moments today but so did Matt and I, really. Having the twins is AWEsome but it doesn't always make us have the most patience with the girls or with each other. Oh and I have managed to lose my wallet. Yes, the wallet with all my credit cards and debit card and license and a very small amount of cash. Ugh. I have looked and looked. Matt is convinced it was stolen. I don't know. If I still can't find it in the morning, I'll call all the credit card companies and the bank, etc. What a pain.
Oh yeah, and if you're the prayin' type, please pray for my great aunt B. and for my mom and her family. Aunt B. has been in a nursing home for about a year now with dementia/Alzheimer's. She's taken a turn for the worse in the past week and is now pretty much unresponsive. We don't expect her to make it much longer. Ironically, we were supposed to visit my uncle J. and his family, who live just south of Louisville, but now they are going up to Cincy tomorrow to see aunt B. Such is life, right?
Ok, this is already way too long and Matt wants to post pics. So, I'll sign off. Steph
We are limited to 5 pics per post, so we'll post some more in the morning - here are some pics of the farm.
Wagon ride:
Huber Farm:
Cow train:
Pony ride:
40-ft barn slide:
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