This one is from day 3 of the 2007 trip. Driving from Salina, Kansas to Denver. A few random thoughts:
Kansas is pretty much exactly like all the cliches. But what they don't tell you is that eastern Colorado is probably worse.
Steph actually did some driving on this day. Figured Kansas was the place to let her try it. Of course, she was a bit nervous. And of course, the one day she drove, we got passed by 3-4 oversize loads. If you've never driven an RV with only one foot of space on either side in your lane, let me tell you, it takes some mental control to convince yourself you're not going to scrape every vehicle you see. When there's a barrier, it can be terrifying. When there's a big rig, you can't help but cheat to the other side. So when these houses started passing was pretty wild.
Also, this was one of those times when I wish I had fancy sound editing equipment. There were a bunch of amusing conversations but it's really hard to capture them with all the road noise in the RV...if I get enough complaints/requests I might add subtitles to help everyone hear and appreciate the experience of being trapped in an RV with the Specter Family.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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