That's what Matt just said to me. Whatevs. Like I never post. I have always hated writing, though.
Ok, so Tuesday at Great Wolf Lodge just strengthened our appreciation of it! The girls actually slept in that morning ('till almost 8am) and the babies went 5 hrs that night for the first stretch! Not bad at all!
Got up, got dressed, waited for Matt's dad to call to say he was on his way (he had a tennis game early that morning). Went back to the "Loose Moose" for our free breakfast buffet. It was WAY WAY better than dinner had been the previous night! A really wide variety of food and well-cooked! We stuffed our faces (even the girls ate well) then went back to the room to finish packing up. Matt loaded the car, we put our swimsuits on, checked out and headed to the waterpark area. We were allowed to stay until close at 10pm if we had wanted.
Mari had a general tough time that morning/afternoon. Besides the fact that the acoustics are horrible in there (it's a huge, really tall building with tons of water slides/water splashing) and we could hardly hear a word she said, she was tired. We managed to get her on two more slides, but that's it. And I think she never did go back on the lazy river, much to my dismay (I LOVE those things)! The most she wanted to do was sit in the shallow end of the wave pool and play in the fountains there. Oh, and fuss and cry and whine. Oh well. She's VERY two!
Faith continued to have a WONDERFUL time! She was a machine on those kids' slides! She loved it and went on the slides, I think Matt counted 46 times! I also think she did the lazy river once and also got to jump some waves in the wave pool. By about 1pm, we were all beyond exhausted. We got changed out of our suits (the locker rooms had "bathing suit water extractors" which is fascinating to me!) and got in the cards. Z and I had to work hard to keep Mari awake for the 5 minute drive to McDonald's. We were successful, though, and after a good lunch Z headed to his house and we headed to ours.
The girls fell asleep in the car no more than 10 mins in to the drive. Matt actually made a successful transfer of them in to their beds. We finally woke them up around 4:45 for fear that they wouldn't go to bed that night. Oh and the babies continued to do well -- slept most of the time at the waterpark that day and ended up sleeping well last night, too!
I was asleep by like 11pm at the latest. I was beyond exhausted!!!
So today is our day "off" -- tomorrow we have appointments in the morning, Matt has to mow the lawn and I have to pack for Cleveland. We leave Fri morning!!! Matt's paternal grandmother's family is having a small reunion and I am looking forward to it. I always like trips and I've only ever met his uncle from that side (and his Zayde who passed away in 2000).
I am sure we'll be posting a bit this weekend about our trip to Cleveland!
Please keep Matt's mom (aka: grammy) in your thoughts and prayers -- she's traveling to Kenya tomorrow!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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