Okay, so if it's possible, things have gotten worse. And no, not because we're in Cleveland. Forget what you've been told, it's actually a pretty nice town.
Anyway, I'm in the Fairfield "business library" on a public internet connection, so not a lot I can do right now. The highlights:
* Both girls eating 2 lunches yesterday and still whining that they are hungry.
* Both girls eating 2 breakfasts today and still whining that they are hungry.
* Mari continues to demonstrate that she is the poster child for being 2. One day, perhaps I'll look back on her balling up her fists, shaking her arms, and literally trembling in anger as she screams at us...and find it cute. Now it's just scary.
* A new pinnacle of parental embarrassment when Faith decided that she didn't like her burger, but still wanted the brownies she'd get if she finished it...and started letting half-chewed burger bits fall out of her mouth onto the floor of our wonderful hosts. Randy and Paula, I am so sorry.
* Literally running out of privileges to take away from the girls.
* And today, getting caught in a torrential downpour at the Memphis Kiddie Park.
And I'm sure there's more, but that is all I can stomach for now. Pray for us.
P.S. Congrats, SID - you deserve it!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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