...but it's hard to get a few minutes to post.
First (short) week of school is done. Good to get that out of the way. Interesting mix...a few classes that looked like trouble on paper were actually okay in real life. Sometimes those kids mature from one year to the next. Good job classes...I wonder if any students read this...
Babies are still sleeping PRETTY well, but they have begun making a few random early appearances in the morning. Not awful...usually the timing is such that they can go back down. Big girls have been a real pleasure all week...friendly and helpful, and we really appreciate it. It's made this step of the transition a lot easier.
It's hard to think of specific stories from home life over the last few days...I know that general reports aren't as interesting as anecdotes or philosophical ramblings...let's see...Oh, okay, here's a kind of funny one:
Last week while we're being kinda silly at the dinner table, Mari turns to me with a big smile and says "Everybody at the party is a nonagon." Now, she's not a child-whiz freak or anything. It's from a song by They Might Be Giants' newest kids DVD "Here Come the 123s" and she actually got the words a little wrong. It should go "Everybody at the party is a many-sided polygon" but who's checking? Still very cute and disarming when a 2-year old says it unexpectedly. Great DVD by the way. Every bit as good as "Here Come the ABCs" - keep it up boys. Much better than "The Else" - sorry, that album did not do it for me.
Oh, maybe Steph will post tomorrow about the Frog Hopper.
Gotta run - will try to check in tomorrow! Thanks to Grandma D for the night off!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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