Yeah, it's really hard to find time to post. I'm going to have to get creative in how and when I can get online to do stuff. I'm posting before work in the morning now...not my favorite time to wax philosophical.
So...since last time...a lot has happened. Short version:
* Steph decided that the extra job was not for her, and when she decided to quit, a sense of relief was felt in the house. Maintaining that schedule was going to be really tough.
* It's gotten hot again. My room at work is unbearable. Kids are melting.
* Work officially feels normal, though. I think the usual sign that I'm back in the groove for real is the first time that I start worrying about tomorrow's problems today. That came last Thursday or so. So the horrible transition is over and I'm back to being at work like every other schlepp.
* Preschool starts next week. Should be exciting. Tooks did fine hanging in the room while Steph went to the orientation meeting upstairs. I think preschool is going to be SO GOOD for her.
* Steph started work, and her first 4th grade class went well. I think she's going to be great.
* And...trip planning is officially underway for summer of 2009. Lots of ideas, lots of research...a lot of details still to work out. As things become more solid, we'll post plans.
Kids are doing lots of cute stuff too...but I'll leave that to Steph.
Gotta run,
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
Going to swing by the Oklahoma Panhandle in 2009? That would be sweet...
Well, probably not this time, at least not as part of the big trip. Looking more 'mountain west' this time. But we know for a fact that we can make it from Amarillo to Cincinnati in 2 days, so we're always looking for a way to make it work. Of course let us know if you're in the midwest any time. holiday season maybe?
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