Faith is sick. She's had a nasty fever for a few days (topped out at 102 but is getting better today). She also had a sore throat, although it took us a long time to get that information worked out - much like her father, she has trouble localizing internal sensations. Seriously, I sometimes have itches that I can't find. When the dentist tells me to move my tongue this way or that way, I have to concentrate and think very hard to even come close to doing what they ask. Likewise, Faith couldn't get any clearer than 'my mouth hurts'. And for a while, we thought it was her teeth. Then we thought it was a cold sore. Finally we observed her wincing while swallowing and were able to conclude that she had a sore throat.
Strep tests negative (although Faith didn't scream bloody murder during the swab test so I am suspicious that they didn't get far back enough). And ibu and tylenol do a good job of managing the fever. But in those moments when she's between doses, man oh man. Faith, when she has a fever, has a cartoonishly sickly look. Her whole face droops, her eyelids half close, it would be funny if it weren't so sad. And she came with her father's genes when it comes to fever. She's a mess. Not as bad yet as I used to be (I would hallucinate, sleepwalk and have serious sensory integration issues) but I think she might get there someday.
So, Steph and I have been alternating days off work. No way we're going to leave a sick 4 1/2-year-old, a rowdy 3-year old and 7-month-old twins with anyone else. We've also been praying that no one else gets this nasty virus...cross fingers, knock on wood, toss salt, etc.
Holiday shopping is nearly done - wrapping awaits....
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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