It gets longer and longer between posts, doesn't it?
We are on our 3rd straight day of no school for ANY of us - the monster snow/sleet/ice storm has passed but the city is still basically shut down. I'm a weather buff and this storm was like nothing I've seen or will probably see again. The radar showed a solid line of precip from New Mexico all the way to the Atlantic, and I think that 80% of it psssed right through here. Usually around here if snow is coming, it might be a window of 6-8 hours at most...but this was almost 2 solid days of various forms of cold things falling from the sky. We have some pretty serious fence damage from trees falling in the backyard from the ice. Will have to post some pics of that sometime - not sure how we're going to go about that - the trees fell from other property, so it should be the OTHER guys' repsonsibility...and that will entail some awkward conversations I'm sure. Great.
Girls did some sledding down our driveway - had a good time until Mari slammed into the fencepost and hurt her arm. Oh, and the Directv dish is iced over so we have no signal at all. Meanwhile, we're all getting some cabin fever so we'll probably head over to G&Z a little bit today to have a change of scene.
Oh, and not long after my Columbus post, the hard drive with all our video and picture files crashed. We think we can recover the important data, but discouraging to say the least.
Gotta run. Thanks for stopping by.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
1 comment:
Sounds like a ridiculous storm. I'm glad we got spared by this one! Hope your TV's back soon!
P.S. We've been pretty delinquent with our posts lately too, if it makes you feel any better!
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