(If you're looking for the Facebook post, scroll down to the next one.)
They say that there has been research done on kids' growth rates - and that sometimes, when it seems like they've gotten taller overnight, perhaps they have. It's not a slow gradual process like you might think.
Life works like that too. And I don't know if it's a growth spurt or just the passing of time, and the fact that Kindergarten is coming for little Faith, but she looks a lot older now. I am starting to look at her and see a little big kid instead of a big little kid...if that makes sense.
She's growing up.
And this is not a sad thing, for me anyway...I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of person she ends up becoming. I'm looking forward to the challenge of her going to school and not us being the biggest daily influence on her life any more. I'm looking forward to seeing if she will attempt to stay true to the basics we've tried to instill in her. I don't want her to stay a baby forever by any means. Innocence is a wonderful thing...but it's not the only thing. The way I see it now, one of our jobs as parents is to help her maintain a sense of wonder with the world, even while she continues to learn more and more about it. I'm hopeful. I still get childishly excited about the things I love, so I think she can find that magic within her still as well.
Meanwhile, other things are happening too. Mari is starting to actually draw things that make sense, and make an effort to color inside the lines...which is huge for her. We are praying that her interest will continue and she can develop some confidence in her abilities, because we know she feels overshadowed by Faith in a lot of things. That kid needs success, and then I think she'll snowball into a million other successes...so hopefully this is the opening of a door.
Robby yesterday starting trying to stand on his own. Pulled himself up on Steph, then intentionally let go, and could stand for a few split seconds. The predictions of him walking at Hilton Head may come true after all.
And Hannah...well, her 3rd tooth finally came in. She's been the stinker lately - anything, anything goes wrong and she emits a blood-curdling screech. She's going to learn coping skills soon or she's going to do serious damage to her voice. But things will come along.
Counting down the days here at school. 4 1/2 left. Time is moving slooooowly at work and the kids are already on break mentally. Gonna be a lot of exasperated teachers here by the time June 3rd rolls around.
Big trailer trip this weekend - first attempt at the whole family in the trailer. Expect some pics and updates on that soon.
Gotta run.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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