Greetings from Devils Tower, WY. (And yes, the correct spelling is withOUT the apostrophe.)
This should give you some indication of how amazing Custer State Park is - we chose to go there AGAIN instead of going to either Wind Cave National Park or Jewel Cave National Monument. So we ditched a National Park for a State Park. Says something. We took the Needles Highway drive - very nice. Includes a couple of super-narrow rock tunnels which are a little frightening to drive through. Funny story - we kept seeing this dilapidated, beat up 70's-style boxy Winnebago thing loaded up with teenagers. I really think they got lost on their way to some bad road movie. Anyway, when we got to the second, narrowest tunnel they were right in front of us and we got to watch them go through - they made it, with hands outstretched through open windows - so Steph felt a lot more confident in our Suburban.
In the afternoon, Steph, Mom and Faith went shopping in downtown Custer while Dad and I stayed to give the twins and Mari a chance to nap. After that we drove up to Hill City to explore downtown and eat dinner - nothing special.
So today we drove out of South Dakota into neighboring Wyoming. Lovely drive again, and as we always discover, each state really has its own personality and feeling. Wyoming's vistas are full of ranch land with rolling but rugged hillsides. Beautiful drive and very few people on the road with us.
Pulled into the Devils Tower KOA at about 11:30. Very nice campsite - it has a wonderful sense of place - Devils Tower literally looms over the whole site. They have a full-service restaurant on site (the only restaurant for miles) and a nightly showing of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which was filmed here. Steph, Dad and I will be going.
Devils Tower is really amazing. Seen tons of pics, but on pictures it is very hard to appreciate the scale of it...and truthfully, in person, it's hard to tell as well...until you see people climbing the walls and realize how small they appear.
We're about to go to dinner - will post more later, including pics from the last few days, and the damaged trailer.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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