No, I'm not converting to Bokononism yet...
Things are going well. You can see that I added a National Parks gadget thingy there - we're all stoked in the Specter house about the upcoming Ken Burns documentary on the National Parks. Saw PBS' little preview and it looks just wonderful. I think that with better equipment, an unlimited budget and a modicum of restraint and good taste, my trip videos could be on par with Ken Burns. Unfortunately, none of that is going to happen.
Work on the videos progresses. I had a really productive weekend in that area. I am now done with Days 1-15 and Days 24-31. You do the math. All I have left is 3 driving days, Glacier, Yellowstone, and Craters of the Moon. I am definitely starting to run the music well dry, though. It's getting harder and harder to find stuff that fits. It will be well and good that we aren't planning another monster journey for a few years. I need the time to restock my library.
Rant: Why can't Michael Gettel and Wayne Gratz rock out just a little bit? And why can't Explosions in the Sky and This Will Destroy You do a few songs without an obnoxious burst of static, feedback and noise? Music can be serene and peaceful without being limpid...and it can be dramatic and inspiring without being loud. Middle ground, people...middle ground. I need some music that is extreme in its moderation. Saunders - get on it.
All the other usual things are going on. Faith's Kindergarten transition has been smooth - although she's an exhausted wreck by the end of the week. Mari's ready to start preschool next week. Twins are tearing the place up. Hannah continues to just be kinda weird. But cute.
Gotta run - just wanted to check in. See y'all.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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