It's been a busy stretch lately. Not bad, not overly stressful, just busy. Something has to take a back seat, and the blog has suffered. The recent news:
Hard at work on a surprisingly complicated mess of a 4th grade program. Just got done assigning the parts - way too many - if kids don't show it will be a nightmare. Luckily I feel like I've managed to instill in most of my students the sense that actually showing up for something that you've worked hard at and that other people are counting on you for is a good thing.
Just got done with a Brass Fellowship peformance with the Cincinnati October Festival Choir - played, among other things, Hindemith's Apparebit Repentina Dies (think I typed that right). Truthfully, one of the most difficult things I have ever had to perform. Not necessarily the most technically challenging but the most mentally demanding from start to finish. Felt totally drained by the end of it. Very thankful to have been a part of that.
Kids are well - although Hannah this morning threw us all for a loop with an exploded diaper. Faith had an ear infection recently, which was our first trip to the doctor in months. We know more are coming, but it was nice to have such a good run of health. Mari is adjusting exceptionally well to 5-day preschool. No reports of any trouble yet. Sadly, she's back in the habit of growling at us when we correct her or ask her to do things. But, she's being a good Specter lately...keeps her problems in-house. Faith is also doing well in 1st grade - seems to be doing quite well socially, including claiming to have a boyfriend. We all got quite interested until we realized that it wasn't a big deal because the boy in question is also several other girls' boyfriend. The twins are also doing well, with the exception of when Steph has to take them in to pick up Mari on days when the twins DON'T go to preschool. At which point they proceed to throw textbook tantrums and have to be dragged kicking and screaming out the door. Nice. And, as referenced in an earlier pic, their artistic skills are bordering on special needs.
In the midst of all this I've been doing some pretty good teaching and am feeling more and more comfortable with the flow of the year. I'm trying to new things and most of it is working. The days kind of zip by most of the time.
And at home, movie work slowly progresses. Just about done with Hilton Head 2010. Look for those movies to appear on Youtube soon.
This weekend, last trailer trip of the year, to Dayton Tall Timbers KOA for a Halloween themed weekend. Should be fun. Here's hoping that things don't go like they did last year at our Halloween trailer weekend.
God bless,
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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