Sure seems that way. Been a busy wild month as always. We've come through the holiday season unscathed once more.
Nothing too eventful to report at this point. It was, as always, wonderfully recharging to be with the family so much, and it was, as always, incredibly challenging at times too.
The kids are growing up at their own pace and in their own way, and while there is obcviously some sadness to that, I can also feel myself wearying of the 'little kid' jobs that I have to do so often. The golden moment of Faith and Mari being able to get themselves up on Saturdays, grab some cereal and go downstairs to watch tv without our help is on the horizon. The twins are suddenly interested in the potty book again, and the thought of never having to buy another diaper again is also foremost in my mind. Things are changing in bittersweet ways. But the sweet is feeling really sweet right now.
As far as the other big changes, we're still just watching and waiting. Yes, this time next year things could be a LOT different, in terms of jobs, and much as we hate to admit it, even location. We're hoping things don't go that way, of course, but if my position is eliminated it's sure going to be hard to find another one in Ohio. But, thinking about this future that is out of my control only adversely affects the present, so I keep focused on the task at hand. I still have a job now and I do all I can to do it to the best of my ability. Hopefully I will continue to be able to do it for a long long time.
Hopefully we can keep up on the blog as things develop. A belated happy new year to all. God bless!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
We certainly can relate with the "not knowing about next year" stuff. We, obviously, know that we will be going somewhere, but now that 2011 is here, I'm getting antsy to know where! I hope things go the way you want to at work, but if not, know that we are one family who can understand the mixture of excitement and nervousness that comes with moving on to new places and new jobs! Good luck!
Oh, and we DEFINITELY can relate on the great desire to get a 2-year-old potty trained!! :)
Hope things go well with the school. You are in my prayers.
--Michael M
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