2011 was not the best year our family has dealt with.
But we are not beaten.
From a professional standpoint, I lost everything. From a financial standpoint, I lost everything. From a security standpoint, we lost everything.
But we are not beaten.
I still have the best family in the world. I still have the most special, unique, wonderful, amazing kids in the world. I still have my faith. I still have my hope. I still have my love.
I have been forced to notice that the blog has been incredibly negative of late. It paints an inaccurately negative picture. For the last few months I have been so busy moving from one little task to the next, that I have had little time to sit down, compose thoughts, and type them here. Thus, the few times when I HAVE done so, have invariably been times when I was feeling at my worst. As I said to an old friend lately, even though I have more bad to say than good these days, the truth is I have more good days than bad. So anyone who is looking here for a true barometer of my attitude and mood is looking in the wrong place. Take it with a grain of salt, and assume that the long gaps between posts mean that all is going well.
The time of waiting is drawing to a close, and the time of action will soon be upon me again. I entered the job market for real in March last year, and there was plenty of action to be had at that time. Postings for real, permanent positions will start appearing soon, and I will track them down, anywhere we feel is a good fit. It will feel good to get back in the suit and pound the pavement, actually feeling like I am doing SOMEthing to resolve my future.
So, 2012 is supposed to be the big calamity, right? Sorry, that already happened to me a year early. For the Specter Family, 2012 is a year of new beginnings, new adventures, new possibilities. We are ready. Bring it.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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