Finally the bad night we knew was coming. Yup. It's 4am and I'm up. Haven't had much more than a couple hours sleep tonight...and had no nap yesterday. They're both in there making just enough noise to keep me from relaxing and falling asleep.
Hannah woke up first this time...before midnight. I was so deeply asleep, I was totally disoriented for awhile. I got her up and tried to comfort her for a while, but nothing short of holding her and letting her suck my finger kept her happy. So, we hauled her in for an early feeding, and woke Robby up too. Feeding done, switch shifts, Steph is on duty.
Well, the bad news is, if Steph's shift is not going well, I'm not going to be able to sleep. I can hear the kid(s) crying next door, and not only does it keep me up, I also feel awful for Steph having to deal with it...and of course I'm also so tired that even though I want to go help, my muscles don't even move. So I basically lie awake or doze fitfully at best for most of my shift.
Finally I get up to help. This time it's Robby who's unhappy - again, all that will keep him happy is finger sucking...and that's not a good thing to do too much. So we haul him in for an early feeding. And of course, he does the classic "I've been screaming for food for 2 hours but when you get me all set up to eat, I'm gonna look around and just hang out." Finally he eats. I go to make the 'supplement' we're supposed to give for a little while more...and can't find the little caps that go on the feeding syringes, without which you can't just drop them into hot water to heat up. So to heat up the milk I have to hold the syringe under running hot water with my bare hands. Meanwhile Hannah has woken up and is screaming. Finish all the feedings. Put the kids down. Sit on the couch, exhausted, drained, yet too wired to even think about going to sleep, because I fully expect to be in there again any second dealing with more crying.
So yeah, a rough night.
Make sure you check out the post below - Steph finally found time and energy to post a bit. Oh, and AS pointed out that you don't click the envelope, you click on "Comments" to leave a comment. Sorry....
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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