So I'll attempt to post. I can't promise that it will be written all in one sitting, but I'll do my best.
The dr's appt. went really well yesterday. Fri. night in the hospital when they weighed the twins, Robby had lost 10% of his birthweight and Hannah 11%. The max is supposed to be 10% so the nurse had to call the pediatrician. They wanted us to start supplementing my nursing with formula. Not happy about that but we complied of course.
Well, Sat. morning the lactation consultant comes in (and if you have never experienced a lactation consultant [LC] -- they are WONDERFUL, AMAZING lifesavers but can be a bit...opinionated?) and was all mad that they had us use formula and a bottle, etc etc. So she set us up with a new plan which involves me pumping and Matt using that after after other nursing.
ANYWAY, I was nervous about the dr appt but both babies have started gaining weight and are now within the safe range of weight loss. Everything else looks good with them and Hannah had to get her frennulum snipped (that's that little flap thing underneath your tongue -- hers went all the way to front of the bottom of her tongue and it impeded her being able to get her tongue far enough out to latch well). Totally not a bit deal, though. A tiny drop of blood, a little cry and she was fine.
Had another really good night last night (for 1 wk old twins that is). They went two long stretches (including a 3 1/2 hr stretch) between feedings. Wouldn't go back down after the 5am feeding, but my big-time morning person of a husband was totally ok with that. As he said, if we can get them to sleep for the better part of between 10pm and 5am, we should count ourselves lucky.
Got a nice visit today by my uncle John (mom's brother) and aunt Kathy and cousing Johnnie as well as my grandma. They are such busy people (they live near Louisville, KY) and we are too so we don't get to see each other as often as we would like. Also had a short visit from aunt Margie (mom's sister) and the girls had a really good time playing with her, which was a Godsend to Matt who was trying to multitask (not his best gift) and cook dinner and calm fussy babies at the same time.
Sooo....hopefully tonight will go well too, although we are SO not getting our hopes up for a third night in a row!
Tomorrow morning we look forward to hanging out with Grandma Specter while Mari and Zayde go to "gym class".
Later. Steph
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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